The Config File

The TesseRACt user config file .tessrc is created in your home directory when TesseRACt is first imported. It is initialized from the default configuration file default_config.ini and can be edited at any time to change different TesseRACt aspects. However, the default configuration file should NOT be edited directly in case new functionality is added. Any options not provided in .tessrc are initialized to the values in default_config.ini.

For additional details on configuration file syntax, please see the documentation for the ConfigParser package.

General Options

Path to directory where TesseRACt output should be saved. If not provided, output will be saved in the current working directory.

NFW Options

Options for controlling how NFW profile parameters are computed.

The default value used for the critical density of the universe in units of Msol kpc**-3. (1.1845e2 Msol kpc**-3 by default)
The default value used to define the virial over-density. This is used to calculate the virial radius and mass of a halo. (200 by default)

Voro Options

Options for controlling how tessellation is performed and used to compute concentration.

String identifying what function should be used to scale concentrations computed using tessellation volumes to be on the same scale as concentrations computed using traditional techniques.
Series of float parameters for the scaling function scale-conc-func.

Test Options

Options for controlling the examples provided.

Code specifying the format of the test halo snapshots. This should not be edited unless you convert the test halo snapshots into another snapshot format. (0 by default)
Directory containing test halo snapshots. If not provided, it is assumed to be the directory within the TesseRACt distribution.
Directory containing copies of the test halo snapshots initialized with different random number seeds. As these snapshots are not provided with the public distribution, this option should not be used.
List of concentrations of the test halo snapshots. The current version of TesseRACt includes test halos with concentrations of 5, 10, 25, and 50.
String specifying test series that should be run by default when examples.run_series is called. (‘conc’ by default)
List of available test series. TesseRACt currently supports the following series which are described in the Examples section below: conc, oblate, prolate, triax, npart, substr_mass, substr_rsep, substr_conc, and substr_rho0.
List of methods for calculating NFW parameters that are used for each test by default. (voronoi, fit, rhalf, and vpeak by default)
Default concentration used for tests (10 by default)
Default mass of subhalo used for substructure tests in terms of the parent halo’s virial mass (0.1 by default)
Default radius that subhalo is placed at for substructure tests in terms of the parent halo’s virial radius (0.5 by default)
Default concentration of subhalo used for substructure tests. (50 by default)
Default density of subhalo used for substructure tests in terms of the parent halo’s central concentration (0.5 by default)
Default ellipticity of halo for test which vary triaxiality. (0.5 by default)

qhull Options

Options for controlling qhull.

The directory under which qhull should be installed. This is initialized the first time that the TesseRACt package is imported. If this does not point to a valid qhull installation, TesseRACt will be unable to perform the Voronoi tessellation.